Eliminate paper with employee file management
OnBase employee file management software optimizes your HR processes with an intuitive user interface that mimics your existing paper folder structure, allows users to drag and drop files, and provides robust search capabilities.
With OnBase, your HR department can:
- Speed information access by creating a single source for electronically accessing files
- Free staff from the time-consuming task of manually searching for paper files, allowing HR departments to use staff resources more strategically
- Give HR representatives instant digital access to documents while working from other locations
Prioritize the security of your employee files
When sensitive personal and financial information about your employees is recorded on paper and stored in file cabinets, your HR department, organization and employees are at risk. The dangers of paper files include lost and stolen documents. Another potential problem: your file room is destroyed in a fire or flood. How much time and how many resources would it take to recover if your organization experienced a disaster?
Employee file management with OnBase:
- Creates a secure way to store and access
- Provides a complete audit trail of user access
Simplify employee file retention policy compliance
How long do you retain your paper files? If you keep everything forever, your HR department is opening itself up to potential issues with compliance that can be costly and time-consuming to remedy. When it comes to HR documentation, having an employee file retention policy is key. But you also need to ensure it’s followed. An employee file management software solution simplifies document collection and retention by giving your staff the tools they need to follow regulations.
- Complete transparency into missing documentation
- The ability to set retention rules and alerts when documents are no longer in compliance with your retention policy
If your human resources department has been struggling with paper-based files, consider how OnBase by Hyland can help you take control of efficiency, security and compliance with employee file management.